Registration and unsubscription
Registrations are to be made in
that page.
Every competitors shall confirm their participation for each season. For any player who would not have done so, a reminder (Private Message on's forum) will be sent before the begining of the new season.
Creation of the groups
Groups are created from the results of the previous seasons. In case of disqualifications or unsubscribing players which would imply a re-evaluation of promotions and relegations, the players from the concerned group have the priority (the ones following the promoted players in the rankings), then relegated players, and in the end the newly promoted playres.
In any case, the number of players in a group should not exceed
There is a
pyramid-shaped organization with 1 group in Division 1, 2 groups in Division 2, 3 groups in Division 3... There should be between 1 and 4 relegations and promotions for each group ; the exact number will be adapted depending of the number of players and groups.
The newly registered players are put in the last division, and the best ELO rankings among them are first.
Unfolding of a season
Each player fights again each of his opponents once, using standard rules (5?).
The standard duration for a season is 2 months. In some special situations (holydays, problems/bugs on boiteajeux...) the end of a season may be delayed.
If in the end of a season, a player has not finished 3 or more games without warning the organisator and without an acceptable reason, he would be
disqualificated and should register again with the same conditions than a newly registered player, if he wishes so. Every league games already finished against this player are canceled.
When a game is over, the players shall give its result
Establishment of the Rankings
Rankings are refreshed in real-time
on that page as soon as a result is given.
The first criterion is the number of wins.
Then the Sonnenborn-Berger criterion is used (sum of the number of wins of beaten opponents)
If some players have still the same amount of points, they will be at the same rank on ranking sheets. There will be some "hand-made" criteria to rank them (I've been too lazy to program them).
In case of an equality between 2 players, the winner of the game between them will decide who is the first.
In case of an equality between 3 or more players (which should be quite rare), I'll try to see the results of the games of the sub-group composed by these players .
If this is still not enough, we will count the spells remaining in the players hands in the end of all league games of the season.
In the rarest case of an equality in a game, as this performance is really incredible, this would be considered as a double-win. If it is proved that there has been an agreement between these players to make it, the game would be cancelled.
Every suggestion which may improve these rules or the website are welcome.
I wish you all a nice time playing Shazamm! for the league, and i hope this formula will be a good challenge for real competitors, and will give some fun for simple players !
| Magically yours, Naegiss |  |
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